CERR 2024

Scientific Committee

The members of the scientific committee oversee the development and execution of our colloquium. They are senior academics from all over Europe and beyond. They have significantly shaped our discipline over many years. A big thanks to them for dedicating their time to support the ideas and mission of CERR.
Prof Samir Lamouri Arts et Métiers ParisTech France
Prof Christof Backhaus Aston University United Kingdom
Prof Markus Blut Aston University United Kingdom
Assoc Prof Cindy Lombart Audencia Business School France
Prof Anne Roggeveen Babson College USA
Assoc Prof Jason Sit University of Portsmouth United Kingdom
Prof Juliet Memery Bournemouth University United Kingdom
Senior Lecturer Hussein Naseraldin Braude College Israel
Assoc Prof Rob Angell Cardiff University United Kingdom
Prof Arni Halldorsson Chalmers University of Technology & Hanken School of Economics Sweden Finland
Assoc Prof Aseem Kinra Bremen University Germany
Assoc Prof Tamira King Cranfield University United Kingdom
Prof Michael Bourlakis Cranfield University United Kingdom
Prof Régis Bourbonnais Dauphine Université France
Prof Edmund O’Callaghan Dublin Institute of Technology Ireland
Prof Tom Van Woensel Eindhoven University of Technology France
Prof Rene de Koster Erasmus University Rotterdam Netherlands
Prof Fabienne Fel ESCP Europe France
Prof Valentina Carbone ESCP Europe France
Prof Valérie Moatti ESCP Europe France
Prof Felix Papier ESSEC Business School France
Prof Pierre Dornier ESSEC Business School France
Prof Alexander Hübner European Business School Germany
Assoc Prof Malaika Brengman Free University of Brussels Belgium
Prof Kim Willems Free University of Brussels Belgium
Prof Neil Towers Gloucestershire Business School United Kingdom
Prof Karine Samuel Grenoble Institute of Technology France
Ass Christine di Martinelly IESEG School of Management France
Prof Christophe Bezes ISTEC Business School France
Assist Prof Hamid Jafari Jönköping University Sweden
Prof Kai Hoberg Kühne Logistics University Germany
Prof Ulf Johansson Lund University Sweden
Prof Dominic Medway Manchester Metropolitan University United Kingdom
Prof Gary Warnaby Manchester Metropolitan University United Kingdom
Assoc Prof Andrew Murphy Massey University New Zealand
Assoc Prof John Murray Massey University New Zealand
Prof Jonathan Elms Massey University New Zealand
Prof Charles Dennis Middlesex University London United Kingdom
Prof Anthony Kent Nottingham Trend University United Kingdom
Prof Phil Megicks Plymouth University United Kingdom
Prof Rodney Runyan Sam Houston State University (Texas) USA
Prof Barry Quinn Ulster University United Kingdom
Prof Alberto Grando Università Bocconi Italy
Ass Prof Valeria Belvedere Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Italy
Prof Gilles Paché Université Aix-Marseille, Cret-Log France
Prof Philippe Boistel Université de Rouen France
Prof Pierre Fenies Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense France
Assoc Prof Alan Collins University College Cork Ireland
Prof Nicole DeHoratius University of Chicago USA
Prof Carley Foster University of Derby United Kingdom
Prof John Dawson University of Edinburgh United Kingdom
Prof Neil Towers University of Gloucestershire United Kingdom
Prof Thomas Foscht University of Graz Austria
Assoc Prof Guenther Botschen University of Innsbruck Austria
Prof Stefan Seuring University of Kassel Germany
Assoc Prof Des Laffey University of Kent United Kingdom
Assoc Prof Jan Breitsol University of Kent United Kingdom
Prof Ben Lowe University of Kent United Kingdom
Prof Gerald Reiner University of Klagenfurt Austria
Prof Matthew Robson University of Leeds United Kingdom
Assoc Prof Oliver Meixner University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Austria
Prof Jonathan Reynolds University of Oxford United Kingdom
Prof Cristina Ziliani University of Parma Italy
Prof Alan Hallsworth University of Portsmouth United Kingdom
Prof Andreas Otto University of Regensburg Germany
Prof Karine Picot-Coupey University of Rennes France
Prof Hanna Schramm-Klein University of Siegen Germany
Prof John Fernie University of St Andrews United Kingdom
Prof Thomas Rudolph University of St. Gallen Switzerland
Assist Prof George Maglaras University of Stirling United Kingdom
Prof Leigh Sparks University of Stirling United Kingdom
Assist Prof Tao Huang University of Surrey United Kingdom
Assoc Prof Arne Floh University of Surrey United Kingdom
Assoc Prof Stephan Ludwig University of Surrey United Kingdom
Prof Andrew Alexander University of Surrey United Kingdom
Prof Sabine Benoit University of Surrey United Kingdom
Prof Steve Wood University of Surrey United Kingdom
Prof Heli Marjanen University of Turku Finland
Prof Marta Frasquet University of Valencia Spain
Assist Prof Kristina Petljak University of Zagreb Croatia
Assoc Prof Christina Holweg Vienna University of Economics and Business Austria
Prof Thomas Reutterer Vienna University of Economics and Business Austria
Assoc Prof Diletta Acuti University of Portsmouth United Kingdom
Assoc Prof Marta Nieto-García University of Portsmouth / Universidad de Salamanca UK/Spain
Assoc Prof Álvaro Garrido-Morgado Universidad de Salamanca Spain
Assoc Prof Erica Ballantyne Sheffield University Management School United Kingdom
Assoc Prof Jonathan Gorst Sheffield Hallam University United Kingdom
Assoc Prof Giandomenico Di Domenico Cardiff University  United Kingdom
Assoc Prof Gabriele Pizzi Università di Bologna Italy
Prof Gaetano Aiello Università di Firenze Italy
Assoc Prof Greg Kapuscinski Oxford Brooks University United Kingdom
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