CERR 2024

Special issue call for papers for the International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management

Special Issue 2023

The new age of retailing: Rethink, Reconnect, Revive

Since the turn of the century retail is facing ever-growing challenges – the ongoing technology development, the increase in consumers' price sensitivity reinforced by the 2008 recession, the ongoing evolution in consumer behaviour potentiated by the pandemic.

What have recent events taught us about retail? Retail is transforming into a new digital industry. Online retailing has gained enviable momentum, and brick-and-mortar stores have taken on a new role while still the dominant first point of contact between retailers and consumers.

Customers seek convenience, experience as well as reciprocity in the form of loyalty reimbursement, quick response, sustainability, social responsibility…

This new reality calls for the rebirth of retailing. It is time to rethink established strategies and retail operations, to reconnect with consumers, employees, society and other stakeholders in order to revive the existing business model and market position.

These challenges do require a new Special Issue in the International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management.

This special issue is dedicated to presenting the cutting edge of scientific research from the participants to the Colloquium on European Research in Retailing 2022. Papers on all the topics listed below are welcome.

  • Retail operations
  • In-store logistics
  • Retail supply chain management
  • Omni-channel operations
  • Supplier Relationship Management
  • Retail buying
  • Technology in the retail environment
  • Retail location
  • Distribution management
  • Human resource management in retail
  • Weather influence on retail
  • Green distribution and circular economy
  • Shopper marketing
  • International retailing
  • Retail branding
  • Retail pricing
  • In-store/online promotions
  • Last mile logistics
  • Retail service management
  • Retail agglomeration marketing
  • Retail information systems management
  • Store format development

This list is indicative and we welcome any submission that is related to phenomena in physical and digital market places as well as the interface between retail marketing and operations.

We particularly welcome submission that were presented at the European Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (CERR 2022 at the University of Zagreb in Croatia).

Submission Information

All manuscripts will undergo a double-blind review process. Please follow the manuscript requirement outlined on the journal’s website: http://emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/author_guidelines.htm?id=ijrdm

To maximise the impact of each submission authors are required to provide a visual abstract and a synthetical highlight of not more than 5 bullet points. This supplementary material does not have be included in the first submission but must be provided before the article can be accepted for publication.

The Special Issue is scheduled to open for submissions on October1st. In the meantime, you can improve and work on your work.

The submission deadline is October 20th2022 through ScholarOne Manuscripts at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijrdm.

The publication of the special issue is expected to be around for July1st, 2023.

Regarding this special issue, please direct queries to: Professor Xavier Brusset, e-mail: xavier.brusset@skema.edu
For any assistance, authors should contact manuscriptcentral@emeraldinsight.com. Authors should quote the journal name and special issue title in their inquiries.

 Emerald Publishing


Reconnect revive retail

International Journal of Retailing & Distribution Management

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